Sure, you could buy any old safe to store your guns. But why would you—when you can have a Browning Safe instead? Our safes are patented inside and out with features that make storing your guns easier, safer, and, frankly, more fun.
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Customized Safe Interior
An empty Browning Safe looks cavernous—because it’s got room for any configuration of shelves and containers you want.
No other safe
lets you customize
your interior.
Some safes may let you reposition a shelf, if you’re lucky, but Browning Safes are truly, honestly, 100% customizable. Add shelves. Add racks. Add pouches. Heck, add hanging files and a jewelry drawer. With our patented shelving system, you can design your gun safe exactly the way you want it.
No other safe
fits more of your

We build our safes so efficiently you’ll have space for 50% more guns compared to any other safe anywhere. Which means you might not need two gun safes, you just need a Browning.
Guns in Rack
Safe interior with guns
You have quick access to twice as many firearms compared to any other gun safe.
No other safe
gives you two
front rows.
With Browning Safes, you don’t have to wrestle your guns in and out. We’ve built in two front rows—one where you expect it, and one where you don’t (on the door)—so you can access more than half your guns without moving a thing.
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No other safe
makes space for
your scopes.
No need to lose gun capacity in your safe because of optics on your long guns. Our patented scope saver lets you store up to four scoped guns on the door panel.
Guns in Scope Saver
Store your long guns upright, with special indents to protect your scopes.
Safe interior with guns
No other safe
protects your
Our raised-floor design means Browning Safes have a smooth bottom edge—so your guns slide in and out like butter. No bare steel to ding up your guns and ruin your day.
No other safe
resists fire more.
Our gun safes are designed with ThermaBlock™ technology, which seals every crack and crevice with interlocking fireboard—including the hinges and door frame. Unlike other safes, we cover every bit of bare steel in fire insulation, which keeps out heat and provides 2-3 times the fire protection.
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Fire Protection for safe
Most safes have internal hinges that create gaps where heat can enter. Browning Safes are built with an interlocking design and external hinges that eliminate gaps and keep heat out.
Safe corner bolt and gear
Our Gear Drive™ adds even more security to our high-end safes.
No other safe
is more secure.
No safe in its class offers stronger protection than Browning.
  • Rest assured: Any pressure on the bolts or handle is prevented from ever reaching the lock of your gun safe. Our rugged Gear Drive™ lock protection system diverts any external drilling or pounding away from the lock—using a patented combination of robust cam locks and a multiple-diversion bar system.
  • Our Duo-Formed® Door is made from multiple layers of steel. No safe door (or door frame) is stronger.
  • We’ve built in multiple layers of pry protection, including high-strength steel locking bolts, pry-stop end bolts, and 4” max bolts, all of which provide far superior protection compared to any other safe in its class.
Hunters walking
No other safe
is from the most
legendary name
in guns.
If there’s any gun maker you can trust—for quality, performance, and zero B.S.—it’s Browning. Which is exactly why you’ll love a Browning Safe.
Browning Safes are protected by the best warranty in the industry. Our lifetime warranty covers any damage from break-ins and fire. These are the best gun safes you can find, period. We guarantee it.
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Seal of guarantee